In general, my experience has been that most of the small businesses and non-profit organizations I have worked with over the years have one of two approaches to Web Security.

Approach A goes something like… “…well, you know, we’re a pretty small company and we don’t have to worry about all that security like bigger companies.”

Approach B is along the lines of… “doesn’t GoDaddy / Blue Host / Host Gator etc. (or some other low-cost provider) take care of all that technical stuff? “

The reality is that even the smallest of websites and companies are now targets. Size or lack of it no longer will protect your site. And if you have a breach that causes customer data to get out you just may find yourself out of business!

If you do not have the time or expertise to secure your website with at least the minimum standards then you owe it to yourself, your employees, your customers, and even potential targets to seek out the help of someone who does know the ins and outs of website security.

If you are not sure where to turn to, get in touch with us and we can give you some tips on initial steps you can take, we can also do the work for you, and if you need more help than basic website security we can help refer you to the right people to make sure you are well protected.

Don’t wait until you have a security breach or lose your site – it is often too late unless you have off-site automated backups – which if you have read this far, you probably do not…

We offer a full range of Digital Marketing , Website Design and SEO Services for small to mid sized businesses.

At Fulcrum Concepts, we’re here to help you enhance your online presence and reach your local audience more effectively. Contact us at (267) 494-0690 or schedule a short discovery call at


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