What is On Page SEO Optimization?

On-Page SEO is the foundation of our SEO strategy.  Good On Page SEO gives your ranking an edge in competitive searches.

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On-Page SEO is one of the key aspects of effective website optimization for a successful SEO campaign. It refers to methods you can use to rank your website and its content in order to improve your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are a number of things you can do to increase your rankings by implementing or improving your sites for On-Page SEO.

Some of the most effective and first steps to creating a well-optimized website include: optimizing your title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags. Improving your website’s structure and navigation, and adding keyword-rich content to your pages. These elements will assist users in finding the information they’re looking for more easily, and they will also help search engines index your pages more efficiently.

If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, on-page optimization is certainly a great place to start. In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of what On-Page SEO is and how you can go about optimizing your own website for better search engine ranking.  Keep in mind that to rank websites with any level of competition, the best SEO strategy is a combination of On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

Technical SEO 

Often, focusing on Technical SEO means addressing issues like website speed, indexing, crawlability, and mobile-friendliness. While it may seem like a lot of work, this strategy can be worth the effort. Not only does it help your website rank better, but it can also improve your website’s overall performance. 

As mentioned above, website speed is one of the most significant things to consider when it comes to technical SEO. A fast website is crucial for a good user experience. No one wants to wait around for a slow website to load, and Google knows this. In fact, Google has even said that site speed is a ranking factor. So if you want your website to rank well in SERPs, you need to make sure it’s fast. 

On the other hand, there are also several points you should keep in mind to ensure your website is indexed by Google. This includes creating a sitemap, using proper tags, and submitting your website to Google Search Console. These things may seem small, but they can make a big difference in getting your website indexed.

 Crawlability also plays a role in SEO success. This refers to how easily search engines can access and crawl your website’s content. If your website is difficult for search engines to crawl, they may not be able to index all of your pages which could hurt your ranking. Fixing broken links, using proper redirects, and enhancing the overall structure of your website are all ways to improve crawlability.

 Additionally, technical SEO takes into account mobile friendliness. With more and more people using mobile devices to access the internet, it’s necessary to make sure your website is designed for mobile. Achieving a mobile-friendly site means using a responsive design, having a mobile-friendly URL, and utilizing proper tags.

 If you want your website to perform well, you need to make sure you’re addressing all of these issues. Otherwise, you could be missing out on valuable traffic and potential customers.


 Adding markup code to your web pages so they can better rank in SERPs is called schema. This is a more advanced On-Page SEO tactic and usually requires the help of a web developer. By adding schema code, you are essentially giving search engines more information about your website which can help it rank better.

One common schema code is putting your business information such as addresses, phone numbers, and opening hours. This is called “Local Business Schema” and can help your website rank better in local searches. Other types of schema codes include adding review stars to your website, product schema for eCommerce websites, event schema, and more.

 If you have a competitive SEO campaign, adding schema code to your website is a great way to give it that extra boost. And while implementing schema code onto your website can be beneficial for SEO, it is also important to not go overboard with it. Too much schema code can actually hurt your website’s ranking so it is best to consult with a web developer or an SEO specialist before attempting to do this yourself.

Keywords (keyword ratio, semantic keywords, relevancy)

When it comes to On-Page SEO, keywords are everything. In order to rank well in SERPs, you have to ensure that your website has a solid keyword ratio, semantic keywords, and relevancy to provide a better user experience while also ranking higher in search engines.

 Keyword ratio is when you insert your target keyword into paragraphs 3 or 4 times per 100 words of text on that page. This is to make sure that your target keyword is being mentioned enough for search engines to pick up on it, but also not too much where it looks like you’re “keyword stuffing”.

 It’s also crucial to include the right mix of keywords in your content. Semantic keywords should be included because they help search engines understand the context of your page. This is done by including terms related to your target keyword that help Google better understand what your content is about. Putting in a mix of relevant keywords and semantically-related terms will help you rank better in SERPs.

 Last but not least, relevancy is key. Your target keyword should be relevant to the topic at hand, otherwise, you run the risk of getting penalized by Google. This is why it’s vital to do keyword research before creating any content. Once you know what people are actually searching for, you can create content that is both relevant and optimized for On-Page SEO.

Alt Tags

And while we’re on the topic of making your website more accessible to both search engines and users, let’s talk about alt tags. Alt tags give context to the images on your website and help Google understand what your images depict. This is especially important for people who are visually impaired and use screen readers to navigate websites.

When writing alt tags, be as specific as possible while still keeping it short — around 125 characters is a good rule of thumb. Keep in mind that alt tags also increase click-through rates for your content, which can boost your organic traffic over time.

Moreover, there are several different types of alt tags you should be aware of: image replacement, captions, inline text with the IMG element, and in-line text that does not use the IMG element (e.g., title attribute). Within each type, there are different rules about how best to optimize them for search engine spiders and mobile users as well.


  1. Image Replacement: This is when the text of an alt tag replaces an image. In most cases, you should avoid using image replacement unless it is for decorative purposes or if the page would be unreadable without it.
  2. Captions: A caption is a brief description that appears below an image. Captions are generally used to describe what is happening in the photo or to provide more information about the subject matter.
  3. Inline Text with IMG Element: In this case, the alt text is placed within the IMG element and will appear next to the image on the page. This is useful when there is not enough space for a full caption or when you want to provide additional information about the image that cannot be conveyed through a caption alone.
  4. Inline Text without IMG Element: The text of an alt tag can also be placed within the element that is using the image. This is useful when you want to provide more information about the image but do not want it to appear next to the image on the page.

H Tags

Another factor that contributes to ensuring your On-Page SEO is up to par is the use of H tags (also referred to as heading tags or header tags). This helps crawlers understand what content they’re crawling through by giving them more information about the content they’ve found on a given page.

More specifically, H1 tags denote the most important piece of text on the page while H2 tags denote less significant pieces of text or subheadings for categories like “About Us” or “Our Menu”. It’s also worth noting that the use of H tags when and where it makes sense to do so gives your content a hierarchical structure.

Aside from using H tags to improve your On-Page SEO, you can also use them to make your content more readable and user-friendly. By breaking up your content into smaller sections with H tags, you’re making it easier for readers to digest your information. And when you make it easy for readers, they’re more likely to stick around and continue reading.

Importance of well-written content

Content is the bread and butter of On-Page SEO. Without great content, it’s very difficult to achieve high SERP rankings. This particular SEO strategy should not be considered complete without other more advanced tactics like content structure and natural writing. All these things come together to create an effective method that will help your site rank better and push it onto page 1 in competitive campaigns where multiple sites have similar keywords.

The content structure has to do with the way that your content is organized on your website. For example, if you have a blog post with a title, subheadings, and paragraphs, Google will be able to understand the main points of your article much better than if it was just one big block of text. Breaking up your content into smaller sections makes it easier for both Google and readers to understand, which can lead to better rankings and engagement rates.

Furthermore, a well-written page is free of grammatical errors and has a natural flow. If you have a page full of typos, it’s not going to rank as high as an error-free page. A page that reads like a boring textbook is also not going to rank as high as a page that is interesting and easy to read. So, aim for quality content that is both informative and engaging.

Meta Description

 One of the most critical on-page optimization techniques that you can use to improve your SEO is the meta description. This is a short, 160-character snippet that appears under the title of your page in SERPs. It’s your opportunity to sell your page to potential visitors, so it’s best to ensure that your meta descriptions are well-written and enticing. After all, potential visitors will use your meta description to decide whether or not they want to click through to your page, so you want to make sure it’s worth their while.

 When writing your meta descriptions, be sure to include your target keyword or phrase. This helps to let both users and search engines know that your page is relevant to their search. In addition, try to make your meta descriptions as unique as possible. Although this can be a challenge if you have a lot of pages with similar content, it’s important to remember that each page on your website should be treated as its own entity.

 * Recent testing has shown that as Google has continued to advance in its’ ability to understand intent and content on a page, we have been testing not adding a meta description to certain page types and letting the Google Algorithm write its’ own meta descriptions.  

Site Organization and Correct Interlinking of Main and Sub Topics

 Website organization is crucial for the user and search engine’s understanding of your page. The site must provide a clear hierarchy in order to help the visitor navigate through it with ease. This is also an important factor for On-Page SEO since Google favors pages that are organized better than others. A common mistake made by webmasters when organizing their pages is creating too many levels in their site hierarchy which can confuse visitors and hurt results.

 In addition to having a well-organized website, it is best to have main and sub-topics correctly interlinked. This allows search engine crawlers to easily understand the relationships between different pieces of content on your website. It also helps visitors find related information that they are looking for which can improve the overall user experience. Improperly linked pages can often be one of the biggest On-Page SEO problems so it is essential to make sure that all links are working correctly.

 Indeed, On-Page SEO isn’t just about cramming in keywords (though that is still important) or building links. It’s also about having well-written, informative content and making sure that your site organization and interlinking are on point. Technical SEO is critical as well – make sure you use the correct H tags, alt tags, and schema for your pages. If you can nail all of these aspects, you will be well on your way to ranking higher in SERPs and seeing an increase in website traffic.

 Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like some discuss your sites’ rankings and site structure with one of our SEO experts who understand SEO best practices. Together, we will create a custom strategy just for your needs.

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We treat every client with respect and strive for the best results possible using best practices and the experienced we have gathered during our 10+ years in business.  Whether a client is a small local business needing Local SEO or a national e-commerce site needing advanced SEO, we love our clients and get true joy in seeing a campaign progress and increase ranking and profits for our clients.

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