Off Page Search Engine Optimization

Off Page SEO simply means getting links to your site from another website or other web property.  Off Page linking is one of the areas of SEO that is often times done incorrectly and can cause more harm than good if done improperly.  We offer a complimentary strategy session where we will review your existing off-page links and discuss your ranking goals.

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Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO is the process of ranking your website using external links.   We help you get natural and high-quality links that are helpful to ranking (vs harmful).  This involves many different tactics to get high-quality backlinks like guest posts, multi-media assets posted on popular sites, social media links, and other online platforms that can improve your site’s visibility and authority.  It is important to know how to get quality backlinks the right way, or you can actually hurt your rankings.

Both Off-Page SEO and On-Page SEO work is important for ranking well in search engines results pages (SERPs).  Depending on what your site is about, and how competitive your topic (or location) is, you can rank using either on-page or off-page SEO, however, most sites need a mix of both to achieve relevant and useful ranking.

Off-page SEO refers to getting backlinks to your website and its content. This involves link building, social media promotion, and other marketing techniques that can improve your site’s visibility and authority. 

 When it comes to off-page SEO, the goal is to get other websites to link back to yours. This signals to search engines that your site is credible and authoritative, which can help you reach a larger audience. Basically, off-page SEO is all about getting your website and its content seen by as many people as possible. The more exposure you can get for your site, the better your chances of ranking well in search engines and attracting more visitors.  By using the right techniques, you can increase your website’s ranking, traffic, and overall visibility.


 Backlinks are one of the most significant factors for off-page SEO. In fact, they’re so important that they’re often considered the “currency” of SEO. A backlink is simply a link from one website to another. When a website links to yours, it is effectively giving your site a vote of confidence. This tells search engines that your site is relevant and trustworthy, which can help you rank higher in SERPs.

 There are a variety of different types of backlinks that you can build to improve your website’s ranking and each offers its own set of benefits. Here are some of the most popular types: 

  1. Editorial backlinks. Editorial backlinks are links from reputable websites that are included in an article or blog post. These links are typically given as a reference to support the writer’s argument or point of view. As such,  they’re usually quite valuable since they come from high-quality sources.
  2. Sponsored content links. Sponsored content links are simply links that are placed within the sponsored content (typically in the form of an article or blog post). These links are paid for by the advertiser and should not be confused with editorial links. While they can still be effective, they’re not as valuable as editorial links.
  3. Guest blog post links. Guest blog post links are created when you write a guest blog post for another website. In most cases, you’ll be able to include a link back to your own website in the post. This is a great way to get high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
  4. Resource page links. Resource pages are pages on a website that list links to other helpful resources on the web. These can be very significant for your website, as they effectively act as a vote of confidence from the site owner.
  5. Directory listings. Directory listings are simply links from online directories (such as Yellow Pages or Yelp). Despite not being as powerful as other types of backlinks, these links can still be valuable for local SEO which is why it is worth getting listed in as many online directories as possible.
  6. Social media links. Social media links are created when you share your content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. While these links are not typically given much weight by search engines, they can still play a role in driving traffic to your website and helping you rank higher in SERPs. 
  7. Multi-Media links.  These are from sites like video sites (YourTube & Vimeo for example). Podcast sites, image and PDF sharing sites etc.

As you can see, there are a variety of different types of backlinks that you can build to improve your website’s ranking. However, not all backlinks are created equal. In order for backlinks to be effective, they need to be high-quality and come from reputable websites. That means that you should avoid link farms and other shady sites that could hurt your reputation. Instead, focus on building relationships with other websites in your industry and getting natural, high-quality backlinks. 

The process of building backlinks has changed dramatically over the years, so it is best to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. While this strategy takes some time and effort, it is definitely worth it if you want to improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs. So get out there and start creating some high-quality backlinks!

Multimedia Assets

 Now that you know what backlinks are and how to utilize them, it is time to discuss multimedia assets and how they contribute to the success of your off-page SEO strategies. Multimedia assets are images, videos, and infographics that can be used to supplement your website’s content. These assets can be hosted on your website or on other websites, like YouTube or Flickr.

 Not only do multimedia assets make your site more visually appealing, but they also give you another avenue to receive backlinks. When people share your multimedia assets on their own websites or social media pages, they’ll often include a link back to the original source. For example, if you create an infographic that gets picked up by another website, they may link back to your site in order to give their readers a more complete picture of the story. This is a valuable backlink that can help improve your site’s SEO.

 In order to get the most benefit from multimedia assets, make sure that they’re high quality and relevant to your site’s content. In other words, don’t just create an infographic for the sake of having one. Make sure that it is informative and engaging so that people will actually want to share it. The same goes for videos and images. If you can create multimedia assets that are both high-quality and relevant, you’ll be well on your way to a successful SEO campaign.

 Another crucial factor for off-page SEO is the use of social media platforms. By promoting your website and its content on social media, you can reach a larger audience and get more people to link back to your site. This will not only help improve your ranking in search engines, but it can also lead to more traffic and exposure for your business.

Press Releases

 Press releases are also an important part of any SEO strategy. They help promote your brand and let the world know about any news or events related to your company. By issuing press releases on a regular basis, you can improve your website’s visibility and get more links back to your site. Press releases also help to increase credibility with both customers and search engines.

 When writing a press release for SEO, it is important to remember a few key things:

  • Keep it short and to the point
  • Write in a clear, concise style
  • Make sure all your information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Inject some personality into your writing
  • Include a call to action

 A well-crafted press release includes keywords that are relevant to your product or industry. This will help search engines index your press release and make it more likely to show up in SERPs. You should also include a link back to your website in the press release as this will improve your website’s link popularity, which is an important factor in search engine ranking.

 On the other hand, one of the best ways to distribute your press releases is to submit them to online press release distribution services. These services will help to ensure that your press release is distributed to a wide audience and is also more likely to be picked up by news outlets and journalists — helping to increase its exposure and reach.

 By understanding the basics and using the right techniques, you can see a big improvement in your website’s ranking using off-page SEO strategies. And if you’re looking to track your progress to see which methods are working and which ones need to be tweaked, there are a few ways you can do that.

 One way to monitor your progress is to keep an eye on your SERP listing. As you start to rank higher for certain keywords, you’ll notice your listing appearing in a better position on the results page. This is a good indication that your off-page SEO efforts are paying off.

 You can also ask customers or clients how they found out about your website. If you’re seeing a lot of people coming from online sources, then that’s a good sign that your off-page SEO is working. This will also help you fine-tune your strategy and get even better results.

 It is essential to consider all of the different aspects that make up a successful campaign if you’re looking to improve your SEO. By focusing on off-page SEO techniques like backlinks and multimedia assets, you can give your website the boost it needs to climb the search engine rankings. And don’t forget about press releases! A well-written and well-distributed release can help increase your site’s visibility online and ultimately attract more visitors.

 So if you’re looking to take your SEO initiatives to the next level, be sure to incorporate Off-Page SEO into your plan. With a little effort, you can see some big results. Feel free to contact us today and let our team of experts help you get started in optimizing your website!

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We treat every client with respect and strive for the best results possible using best practices and the experienced we have gathered during our 10+ years in business.  Whether a client is a small local business needing Local SEO or a national e-commerce site needing advanced SEO, we love our clients and get true joy in seeing a campaign progress and increase ranking and profits for our clients.

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